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‘Facebook’ changed to ‘Meta’ in 2021!

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As part of a major rebrand, Facebook has changed its corporate name to Meta.

Mark Zuckerberg expands Facebook’s influence beyond social media into areas such as virtual reality.

This name shift solely affects the parent business, not the individual platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp.

What Does ‘Meta’ Mean?

The word “meta” is derived from a Greek word that means “beyond.”

To the untrained eye, a metaverse may appear to be a virtual reality simulation, yet some believe it is the internet’s future.

People in a metaverse may utilise a VR headset instead of a computer to access a virtual world that connects all kinds of digital surroundings.

What Was The Need?

Following a succession of unfavourable headlines about Facebook based on papers obtained by an ex-employee, the company has taken this step.

Frances Haugen has charged the company of prioritising “earnings before safety.” He said that the current brand “couldn’t possibly reflect all we’re doing now, never alone in the future,” and that a new one was needed.

Mark Zuckerberg wants to create a “metaverse,” a virtual world where people can game, work and interact in a virtual environment.

“I hope that we will be regarded as a metaverse firm over time,” he said at a virtual conference. “I want to anchor our work and our identity on what we’re striving towards.” “We’re now looking at and reporting on our company as two separate parts, one for our app family and the other for our efforts on future platforms.” 

As part of this, Mark felt the need to create a new corporate identity that encompasses all that they do, reflects who they are, and reflects what they aim to achieve.

On Thursday, the firm unveiled a new sign at its Menlo Park headquarters, replacing the thumbs-up “Like” emblem with a blue infinity form.

Mr. Zuckerberg explained that the new name reflects the fact that consumers would no longer be required to use Facebook to access the company’s other services in the future.

Future Plans 

It is envisaged that the virtual world would be utilised for a variety of purposes, including work, recreation, and concerts, as well as socialising with friends and family.

From December 1, Facebook plans to begin trading its shares under the new stock symbol MVRS.

Final Words!

Are you also facing brand identity problems ? Do you want creative solutions to your brand problems? The Capturing Factory has got you covered!

P.S – To keep up with the marketing and social trends, don’t forget to check out this space! 

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